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beer bread造句

  • Following is a recipe for beer bread from Mary Bass, Fort Worth.
  • Beer bread can be made with simply flour, beer, and sugar.
  • By 1992, the company had six beer bread varieties, including Parisian Dill Onion and Southern Corn.
  • Beer bread without a leavening agent is very sturdy and tends not to lose moisture if it is overcooked.
  • Pre-packaged Beer Bread mixes may also be purchased with the dry ingredients and leavening agents already included.
  • "' Beer bread "'can be a simple quick bread or a yeast bread flavored with beer.
  • The last recipe is from Tricia Jones, who serves it with beer bread _ the recipe for which she also sent.
  • My mother made it for her mother ( who doesn't like beer ) and made the mistake of calling it beer bread.
  • My mother ( Bonnie Farmer of Arlington, Texas ) makes a delicious bread we call simply " beer bread " because of its key ingredient.
  • Different styles of beer bread can be made by using different beers; for instance, a stout or dark beer will give a darker bread with more pronounced flavor.
  • It's difficult to see beer bread in a sentence. 用beer bread造句挺难的
  • Quick breads include many cakes, brownies and cookies as well as banana bread, beer bread, biscuits, cornbread, muffins, pancakes, scones, and soda bread.
  • For an appetizer, try the artichoke and parmesan dip with homemade beer bread ( $ 7.25 ), then move to beer-battered Atlantic cod with chips ( $ 8.95 ).
  • The brewery also makes grain beer bread, bread made from grain used in the brewing process; Southern-style raisin beer bread pudding topped with caramel ale sauce; ale-batter onion rings and ale-batter fried veggies.
  • The brewery also makes grain beer bread, bread made from grain used in the brewing process; Southern-style raisin beer bread pudding topped with caramel ale sauce; ale-batter onion rings and ale-batter fried veggies.
  • Some suggestions include cheddar and dill, sundried tomato and herb, garlic and feta, etc . A consideration when choosing flavors is that if the beer bread is not going to be eaten straight away then the flavors will become enhanced upon storage.
  • The beer styles have an American accent, the wines are American, the menu includes updated middle-American dishes like a Kentucky whisky burger ( served on beer bread ) and a Heartland " pu-pu platter " of cold American appetizers.
  • Without sufficient leavening from the beer, a loaf of beer bread will be fairly dense and heavy unless an additional leavening agent, e . g ., baking soda and / or baking powder, or baker's yeast and sugar, is added.
  • Archeological evidence shows that beer was made by first baking " beer bread ", a type of well-leavened, lightly baked bread that did not kill the yeasts, which was then crumbled over a sieve, washed with water in a vat and then left to ferment.
  • He's updated some classics, including Retro Ambrosia, Emeril's Pot Roast, Beer Bread, Curried Chicken Salad, Alden's Grandmother's Meat and Potato Casserole, Tuna Tetrazzini, Kicked-Up Cabbage Rolls, Macaroni With Four Cheeses and Gigi's Carrot Cake.
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